General Councillor

My dear confreres and delegates,
Greetings to you from the Rector Major and the General Council members!

I am glad that All India Don Bosco Education Society (AIDBES), Don Bosco School Association (DBSAI) together with the Sacred Heart Province of Bangalore is organizing the Sixth National Educational Conference of Don Bosco Schools (NECDBS) India from 16 - 19 November 2022 at Don Bosco Senior Secondary School, Vaduthala, Kochi 682 023. May I extend my prayers and wishes for a fruitful conference and fraternal communion.

‘Do all through love, nothing through constraint’ is the strenna of the Rector Major and it calls for a total commitment and sacrifice. In short it is a call to recreate oneself into Christ like because ‘He went around doing good’ through LOVE. As the salesian school principals of pan India are gathered to reflect deeply on the theme ‘Enhancing Child-Centred, Participatory & Experiential Learning Spaces,’ it is my earnest prayer and wish that all of us strive towards making all our schools ‘a home away from home’, recognizing the fact that education is ultimately a matter of the heart.

Once again I congratulate the All India Don Bosco Education Society (AIDBES), Don Bosco School Association India (DBSAI) and the province of Bangalore for making all the arrangements and preparations for this mega event. May this conference be an enriching experience of true communion, interaction and sharing for all the participants that would bring about enhancing Information, Formation and Transformation. Thank you and God Bless!

In union of Prayers,

Fr. Biju Michael Sdb
General Councillor For South Asia Region
President - SPCSA
Sede Centrale Salesiana,
Via Marsala, 4200185 Roma, ITALY

"Enhancing Child Centered, Participatory and Experiential Learning Spaces"